Welcome Message by the President of APSF
Daniel J. Cole, MD

The Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation extends a warm welcome to the attendees of the inaugural Anaesthesia Patient Safety Symposium. It has been an honor to plan this symposium with our partners Persatuan Kakitangan Anestesiologi Hospital Umum Sarawak; the Malaysian Society of Anaesthesiologists; the College of Anaesthesiologists, Academy Medicine of Malaysia; and the American Society of Anesthesiologists.
Safety is core to the care that we provide for our patients, and although patient safety has improved considerably, far too many patients suffer preventable adverse events from perioperative care. The Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation has a rich legacy of working at the frontiers of patient safety to fulfil our vision “That no one shall be harmed by anesthesia care”. We share that vision with worldwide leaders in patient safety, we learn from each other, we bring back improvement to the care we provide, and we save lives.
I look forward to seeing you in May.
Daniel J. Cole, MD
President, Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation